The journeys of an overenthusiastic amateur herpetologist through the rainforests, deserts, and swamps of the world in search of any interesting reptiles and amphibians he can find...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ranitas (Little frogs)

UPDATED 2/5/10

We found 2, maybe 3 different species of frog the week I stayed at Armonia Ambiental. After searching all my books, and quite a bit on the internet, and talking to some people who know a lot more about these frogs than I do, here is what I think we saw…

99% certain

Eleutherodactylus/Craugastor podiciferus:

Still uncertain. It is possible that one or both are Eleutherodactylus/Craugastor crassidigitus

Eleutherodactylus/Pristimantis cruentus:

Eleutherodactylus/Craugastor fitzingeri:

These are still very tentative...Who knows if we'll ever know for sure!


  1. Little footprint coming out from under the first frogs foot. I like it:) I feel like I am there seeing all these with you hehe. Nice pics!:)

  2. Me fascinan tus fotos-todas! Pero despues de buscar la ranita del 31 enero, tengo que decirte que nunca pude encontrarla. Yo se que la comida es la mas rica del mundo tambien. Gracias por mandarnos las fotos y descipciones tan interesantes...especialmente la foto de la mariposa de alas transparentes!! La creacion de Dios nos muestra Su increible capacidad.
